The Broadway Malls


West Harlem


125th to 155th Streets

150th Street Mall

West Harlem is home to the Broadway Mall Association at the Church of the Intercession!

The dramatic span of the #1 subway trestle across the Manhattan valley temporarily interrupts the Broadway Malls. 125th Street, recognized as one of “America’s Ten Greatest Streets” by the American Planning Association, is the gateway to famous Harlem attractions such as the Apollo Theatre and the Studio Museum.

This area’s neighborhoods reflect its rich history. Hamilton Heights lies east of Broadway and was once the site of Alexander Hamilton’s summer home, built in 1801 when the area was a sparsely developed suburb of the city. Hamilton Heights is also home to the City College of New York, educating over 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students.

A little further north is The Sugar Hill Historic District, named after the so-called “sweet life” of its residents who included W.E.B. DuBois, Thurgood Marshall, Paul Robeson and Count Basie. The district became a symbol of African American culture and economic development during the Harlem Renaissance in the early 20th Century.

West Harlem is home to BMA partner organization The Brotherhood Sister Sol, providing education, organization, and training efforts for social justice. Brown University alumni Jason Warwin and Khary Lazarre-White started the original Brotherhood organization in their senior year of college to help young men facing poverty. In 1998, Dr. Susan Wilcox joined them and expanded their outreach to include young women and girls.

Broadway Mall Association Board Member Lauren Lynch runs numerous beloved restaurants in West Harlem including Harlem Public, The Honey Well, At the Wallace, and Winnie Said.